YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, March 13, 2016

YoP week 37

I am starting this post on Friday the 11th as there is so much to tell, I knew I would never remember it if I tried and do it all on Sunday afternoon.

Let's start with the tops I have been making the past couple of weeks.

This is the first one I did.  The material is Tutti Fruiti and it is a pretty stiff material until washed.  I know it will be wonderful this summer since it breaths and the pattern is not a close fitting one.  This reminds me of the 'sailor' pattern that Lucy Bowen made last year.  I think I will try and do some more with contrasting yoke and sleeves.

This one is from the same pattern and out of the same material.  I have not even washed it yet and you can see how stiff the fabric is. This one has a square neck and I think I like it better than the rounded.  I will know more once I wear them a couple of times each.

This is the last one I have made this week..............so far.  It is just from some cotton blend that I found in my sewing cabinet.  The material is very soft but needs to be ironed after washing.

Do you notice anything about the tops?  Yup, they are all out of some shade of purple.  Trust me, it was not planned.  The other material I have left does not have any purple in it at all.  I have red, orange, blue and a muted brown/red/blue paisley print.  The blue is enough to do a dress and I am going to do one with the square neck style.  The red will be a sleeveless square neck, the orange is a different pattern all together and the muted will be another square neck with sleeves.  I am hoping to get the dress done before I leave this coming Wednesday.  I would like to have it for Easter.  We will see.

On the knitting front..................I have only added about 3 pattern rows on the sweater.  I have been busy with another project.  Fingerless mitts for my mom.  She asked if I had ever heard of them before.  (I promise, I did not laugh).  She has a hand that is always cold and slightly numb and would like a pair to help keep it warm.  So I started on those Wednesday and have half of one done so far.  I am hoping to complete them before I leave so I can give them to her.  I have no idea how I am going to complete everything I have to do by Tuesday night.  We have a very busy schedule.
 Here is the mitt I am working on.  It is out of a corn fiber that is now discontinued.  I love it as it has a real smooshy feel to it and I think it will be nice protection for her hand when she wheels her wheelchair around too.

This is the sweater.....See, you really can not tell I have added that much more to it.  It will be traveling with me as will the mitts, since I doubt either will be completed.

Tonight (Friday) we are heading to our friends house for the evening.  We just found out my girlfriend has been diagnosed with lung cancer.  It is not the fast spreading kind but still.....receiving news like that is still un-nerving.

Tomorrow (Saturday) I have the morning to do what I want and then we have Mass and dinner with some other friends afterwards.  My girlfriend, in this group, and I teach on Sunday morning for the folks coming into the church on Easter.  So we want to decide how we are going to do our session.

Today (Sunday) I have a meeting at 8am to go over holy week (which I am not going to be home for) and then I teach after that and won't be home until around noon.  Hopefully I will have the rest of the day to do what I want as well as all day Monday.  Tuesday will be packing and making sure I have everything I need for my trip.  I will check on the weather there as I may not even get to take my new tops with me if it is too cool.  Anything under 75 and I will be in long sleeves.  I am a wussy.

I actually did some gardening this past week too.  See this little spot?  This is the entire amount of room I have for a garden in my yard.  See those little green things there?  Those are Hens and Chicks that were brought to me from Seattle by my Daughter in Law's family. I had asked for them when I was there last June, but because I wasn't going straight home when I left there, I did not take any with me.  They were brought down Christmas time.  I planted them in a small pot to make sure they would root.  This past week, I went out to my 'garden' and dug it up, got all the rocks out of it, put organic soil on it and planted my babies.I have decided that 'organic' means stinky manure.  It's pretty nasty.  Excuse me, I digress.................the plants have rooted already in the new area..............well all but 2 have rooted but I have confidence that those 2 will root also.  Our biggest fear is the heat we have here in the summer and if these little dears will fry.  If they do..............then I am going to plant rose bushes there.  That is what was there when we bought this house.  Might just end up doing that again.

Ok, It is Sunday afternoon and there really isn't much more to add to the post this week.  I am about to go and start going through items that will be traveling with me in the way of clothing.  I have laundry to do, a bit of housework to complete, and of course I need to do my nails.  If there is time, I will try and sew some more, but I am more interested in getting the mitts done for mom.  Even if I can get one done so her cold hand can be covered and then I will do the other one on my trip.

I will try and post while I am away, but there are not promises.  I do know that I will be reading all the blogs that I normally do.  I get so much inspiration from them.  Until next time.

Happy Crafting.


  1. I was thinking of Lucy's tops, too, when I first saw yours. I love the fabrics you chose. And this is too funny... until I read "see this little spot?" I thought that was a picture of a knitting project. Now that I know what I'm looking at I can see the little fence there to the left. OY! Maybe I need new glasses!

  2. Oh seeing those makes me feel I need to make some more! They are gorgeous and if that is a colour that works for you then why not have them all on the same theme?
    I too thought the flower bed was a bit of lace knitting! I need to get in the garden some more now... maybe next week!

  3. Oh seeing those makes me feel I need to make some more! They are gorgeous and if that is a colour that works for you then why not have them all on the same theme?
    I too thought the flower bed was a bit of lace knitting! I need to get in the garden some more now... maybe next week!

  4. Oh I love the tops and they do remind me of Lucy's top just in shape, it amazes me how different materials can give a totally different look, like even just the square and round neck, I think the square tips it a wee bit more for me. Can't wait to see the others, make sure to show pics! Hope you have a good trip and get the mitts done for your Mom.


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