YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, January 31, 2016

YoP week 31

I'm back this week after missing last week due to being out of town.  It was a nice and much needed trip away but I am always glad to be back to my own bed and my things.  Hubby was in a black jack tournament but did not win this time.  Last time he came in first place. Maybe next time........but I did bring something back with me.......a rash all over my face and on my legs.  I am trying to get a Doctor's appointment to find out what it is that has me all itchy and get some medicine to get it cleared up.  I am pretty sure it is contact dermatitis as that runs in my family.  I am also pretty sure it is from the linens at the hotel we stayed at last weekend.  I think they changed their laundry soap and it has wrecked havoc with my skin.

Anyway..............enough about my maladies.....................lets look at some pictures and talk crafting.

I finished the snoqualmie falls socks on the 17th of this month and immediately casts on socks for my hubby.  He has been whining that he never gets any socks.  He has 2 pair and seldom wears them, so I told him I would make him another pair but they need to be worn like everyday socks.  He agreed.  (shock)  I decided on that pattern petty harbour and have really enjoyed the easy to memorize pattern.

The only problem is.....with the striping of the socks, the pattern is kind of hard to see.  So after I completed the heel and gusset, I stopped the pattern and am just doing all rounds knitted.  I still have about 3 inches to go before I start the toe.  They are my TV watching project.

Please excuse the crummy photo again......it is dull and gray out today and getting ready for some wind and lots of rain.  So the photos today were taken under my daylight lamp.  But to brighten up the day for me I decided to wear these:

A person can not be gloomy when looking at bright hot pink shoes with neon green laces.  Hubby laughs every time I wear them.  I don't care..............they make me happy.

After the socks are done, I have not decided what I am going to do next.  I have requests from Grand Daughter for clothes for her American Girl doll, but I am just not feeling it.  I have other WIP's that need my attention and will probably just pick up one of those and see if I can get some of them done and off my list of to do's.

I hope all of you are having a wonderful week end and hope your next week is fun and full of happiness.

Happy Crafting!


  1. I love those pink shoes. I can see why they'd make you happy. :^) The socks are great, too!

  2. Sorry about the rash... it's always a risk when you're away from home. My big fear these days is bed bugs. Well that and the CDN>US exchange rate!!!

    I made socks for Gavin, he wears them, but he complains. They don't seem snug enough at the cuff. He can feel the stitches under his feet. They are too warm. Never again, I tell you! I love him, but he's not very knit-worthy!!!

  3. I hope the rash clears soon Marsha and you could only put smile and feel good looking at those pink shoes. Best of luck with the socks they are coming on well :)

  4. The socks look great and nearly finished. I hope the rash clears soon, but those shoes are fab in the meantime!

  5. The socks look great and nearly finished. I hope the rash clears soon, but those shoes are fab in the meantime!


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