YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 3, 2014

YoP week 5

I had this brilliant idea of starting my blog writing earlier in the week.  That way, when Sunday rolled around, all I would need to do it just add a few finishing touches to it and it would be on it's way.  Otherwise, it seems, I am using a lot of time on a lovely Sunday morning glued to my computer instead of doing thing around the house and yard that need my attention.

So let's see how the week went in the crafting area.

First up

Another dishcloth finished.  I like this pattern too, and had forgotten about it.  I was reminded of it when I pulled one of these out of my dishcloth drawer and decided to try it again.  It is the DW pattern.  It is pretty quick and very easy to do.

I have not worked on anything else this week. (hangs head in shame)  The weather here has been so unpredictable and my arthritis has not liked it one bit.  So the hands are not working as well as I would like them to.

This week, I will be going back and trying to get the other fingerless mitt done for Christmas.  Then one gift will be complete.

I have found a pattern I am dying to do for my friend for Christmas.  Take a look.  She is a HUGE fan of these little creatures.  They are pretty simple to do BUT.............I do not own any yellow yarn AT ALL!  I scoured my stash last night.  I have the blue but no yellow.  I really don't want to purchase any yarn this year.  I do have the green and gold yarn left from her Green Bay Packer afghan I made last year.  Do you think it would work?  She is a HUGE Packer fan. Please give me your feelings on this.

So let's check out the YoP list AGAIN!
YoP 4 List

New items to do
Lapghan for my mom
(I started on this on July 1st since this is when the official YoP 4 started)

2-3 Doll Clothes
(I really want to get this done this year......I really do)
TWO DONE 7/16/14

(These make the best Christmas gifts and my entire family said they need new ones)

WIP's to complete

1 fingerless mitt
( This is for a Christmas gift this year so it WILL be done soon)

Log Cabin Blanket
(This has been in my WIP pile for about 3 years now.  It needs to leave it)

One sock
(This also needs to be done for Christmas.  It's been lingering around for 6 months)
Didn't touch it this week

Yearly projects I do anyway

12 dishcloths 
( These also make such nice Christmas gifts and are quick and fun to do)

( I love doing them and can not say how many pairs I will complete but need to do some)

Things to increase my skills

2-3 test knits/crochet
(I have done a few of these over the past year and loved doing them.  They totally test my skills as a crafter and help me branch out into areas I would never ever think of going)

Personal Goal

Use only the yarn from my stash for all the above projects.
( I am truly going to try NOT to purchase any more yarn this year.  I have already gone 4 months without buying any yarn and I figure I can continue that trend for at least another 12 months.)

Take photos of ALL items when done.
(I have a habit of gifting items and never photographing them for my blog)
YUP, SO FAR AS OF 8/3/14

Yesterday I spent the entire day cleaning my craft room up.  When mom left her apartment, I inherited so much stuff and of course, it all got dumped in my corner of the world.  I am so happy to report.....................I have a floor again in that room.

I organized all my pattern books and even put them from shortest to tallest.  A bit of OCD coming out, I know.  I also put all of my patterns that I have printed off of Ravelry and other pattern sites into sheet protectors and got them all put into three ring binders.  No more paper floating around MY room.

Sewing center is all cleaned up and ready for me to sew away on my next projects that I have already cut out and was just waiting for time to clean it up so I could get to the machines.

Josie's study desk is all set for her to do her homework on after school.  She loves being in this room so we set up her desk in there.

Our company arrives this week.  We did get the new floor laid.

The bottom picture is not all that great as it gives it a really yellowish hue and I don't know why.

Then, we managed to get the guest room all done.

Pictures are courtesy of my mom (the middle one), and my late aunt (the outer two)  I use to cross stitch but the hands won't let me do that anymore.  

The futon is out and ready for someone to sleep on it.

Guess I need to put sheets on it now so it will be all set for the 'crews' arrival.

My niece, gave me such a sweet surprise.  She wants me to teach her to crochet and she has self taught herself to knit from YouTube.  She needs a little help with some of her knitting stitches (cables) and I will be happy to do that for her.  So it will be a FUN crafting week for me after all.

Until next week.......................

Happy Crafting!


  1. Great dishcloth pattern Marsha, any dishcloth pattern that works up quickly is great in my book.

    Those minion slippers look an interesting knit, maybe you could try and do a trade on ravelry for some yellow yarn.

    You are far more organised than me, your craft room looks so tidy.

  2. Maybe do a little swatch with the blue you have and some gold leftover from the Packers blanket? Otherwise maybe you can swap or find it somewhere cheap.

    The guest room looks great - very inviting. And so does your craft room. I hope you and your niece have fun!

  3. Love the colour of the dishcloth and if you really wanted minion slippers if you had purple you could do the purple minion ones, other wise try out the colours you have, you've got nothing to loose. Enjoy your guests and it sounds like your going to be plenty busy this week teaching.

  4. I really should comment on that lovely dish cloth but all I can think is how lovely to have a whole room dedicated to crafting... x

  5. Much props to you for cleaning and organizing. I think I need to start making our apartment more cozy. I don't know when we'll buy a house so I need to just start now instead of waiting.
    I think the gold will work. The minion will just have some Xmas sparkle right?

  6. You are doing so well with your project list!! Really like the dish cloth. I've been having such dish cloth lust recently... I have been printing off pattern after pattern. Unfortunately I don't seem to own ANY cotton yarn and I'm still in stash-busting mode so it'll have to wait until I can justify buying some more yarn.

    Also, I love your craft room - what a fantastic inspirational space!


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