YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 13, 2014

YoP week 2 and finished items

Week two and I already have finishes to show you all.  First up...............................Lapghan for my mom.  I was told that natural light is the best to show off the colors and pattern.  I am not impressed with this photo.  Could it be because it was already 104 outside and the sun was brutal?

So I took another one in the house using natural light bulbs and it really shows up much better.  This is a combination of two patterns from a book I had purchased several years ago.  I had only made one afghan from the book and so it was fun mixing and matching the patterns to get the effect I wanted.  My mom was thrilled with the finished product.  I completed it last Sunday about an hour before I went to visit her.  The yarn is Dark Horse and 100% acrylic but oh so soft and wears so well.

After I finished the lapghan, I decided I wanted something with instant gratification.  So here it is

One of the 12 dishcloths I need to complete by Christmas.  This is my favorite pattern and will be the one I use for all the cloths.  This didn't get completed as fast as I wanted.  It actually took me about 3 evenings to complete.  But it is a mindless knit for me since I have done the pattern now for 2 years.

Next up.....................................................

I sweet little dress for Josie's American Girl doll.  I learned about 3 new skills doing this.  There were.................making gathers, picot hems and reverse stockinette stitch.

I also got to do a button band for the first time but since it was done as the same time as the dress was being knitted, I didn't find it near as hard as the ones that you have to add later (or so I have heard they are hard)

I am making a skirt now for the AG doll and have it about 2/3 done.  I should be able to finish that tonight and then move on to something else off my list.  

So how does it look so far:

YoP 4 List

New items to do
Lapghan for my mom
(I started on this on July 1st since this is when the official YoP 4 started)

2-3 Doll Clothes
(I really want to get this done this year......I really do)
ONE DONE 7/12/14

(These make the best Christmas gifts and my entire family said they need new ones)

WIP's to complete

1 fingerless mitt
( This is for a Christmas gift this year so it WILL be done soon)

Log Cabin Blanket
(This has been in my WIP pile for about 3 years now.  It needs to leave it)

One sock
(This also needs to be done for Christmas.  It's been lingering around for 6 months)

Yearly projects I do anyway

12 dishcloths 
( These also make such nice Christmas gifts and are quick and fun to do)

( I love doing them and can not say how many pairs I will complete but need to do some)

Things to increase my skills

2-3 test knits/crochet
(I have done a few of these over the past year and loved doing them.  They totally test my skills as a crafter and help me branch out into areas I would never ever think of going)

Personal Goal

Use only the yarn from my stash for all the above projects.
( I am truly going to try NOT to purchase any more yarn this year.  I have already gone 4 months without buying any yarn and I figure I can continue that trend for at least another 12 months.)

Take photos of ALL items when done.
(I have a habit of gifting items and never photographing them for my blog)
YUP, SO FAR AS OF 7/13/14

On a fun note.  Hubby and I took our youngest dog to obedience school yesterday.  It is a 6 week course with daily homework to do.  So far..........................he will do all the commands at home but not when we are out and about.  Of course this is only day 2.  We are also working with his 'sister' and she seems to be catching on quite well to all of it.  Our youngest dog is a bit aggressive towards anyone coming into our home and also to big dogs.  We are hoping this will break him of all those bad habits.  We love him, but he is becoming a bit of a bully and for only weighing 9 pounds.................................it is almost laughable.  Well, until he grabs someones clothes and tries to bite them.

That is all for now......................................will talk to you all next week.

Happy Crafting.


  1. Love the dress! That is SO cute!!!!

    The lapghan is really gorgeous too :)

  2. What great FO's!! And to think I JUST decided on my list while you're being so productive haha.

  3. Look at you clocking up the FO's yayyy. Love the dress it's so cute and the lapghan looks gorgeous I'm not surprised your Mom loved it.

  4. I find natural outdoor light best when it's slightly overcast. Bright sun washes out the colours and makes the contrast too intense.

    104°? Phew. Makes me hot just thinking about it.

    The little dress is adorable1

  5. Holy Canoli! You'll have all your projects done by the end of the month at the rate you're going. Good for you. I wish I had been more realistic with my list. So, if you finish early would you do some of mine for me? LOL!
    The lapghan is lovely and the AG outfit is so sweet. My daughter still has her AG doll, Kirsten(?) and she's in her 30's.

  6. I love the colour of the little dress and the lapghan is fabulous, congratulations on completing it.

  7. http://ayarnyrobin.wordpress.comJuly 13, 2014 at 1:59 PM

    It's nice to do a small project after something like an afghan and it's always lovely to reflect on a weeks progress. Looking forward to seeing what's coming next. Good luck with your dog!

  8. Lovely projects; you're very busy!

  9. Natural light is fine, to a point. It's a bit harder to control than indoor lighting and unless you have a manual camera, it's harder to get clear pictures. We drove through Arizona a few weeks ago and I didn't even think about my knitting even though it was with me. Too darn hot!

  10. Wow, that's some fantastic progress!


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