YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Not much to report this week.

I am still working on the test knit and am just about done with it.  It is so pretty and I am truly enjoying the pattern.  My blocking wires came in on Friday so I went to my LYS to get them and managed to walk out with 3 lovely skeins of yarn.

One of the skeins is a lace weight with 1094 yards in it.  I am looking for shawl patterns to make this into.  I have already wound it into a cake and in the process managed to turn my fingers the same color as the yarn.  I have never used hand dyed fiber before so this will be  first for me.  I have never used lace weight yarn before either.  If any of you have sure fire methods to 'set' the color into the fiber, please let me know.  I will want to do that after it is finished so the person it goes to will not have to fight with it each time they want to launder it.  The fiber content is silk and seacell if that makes a difference.

No photos this week as I am very busy getting ready for my cousins visit today.  I have not seen him in 14 years and am making sure everything is 'just right' for his day visit.  Hopefully there will lots of photos next week for you all to gaze upon.

Happy crafting!


  1. I walked away with three new skeins this week from my LYS too.

    I have never met my cousins and will be seeing them for the first time ever this summer!

  2. Hmm, I can't visit an LYS without something jumping into my shopping basket :) Too much temptation!

    Silk and seacell is a lovely combination. I'd guess that's always handwash and lay flat to dry, so I don't know that it needs any special treatment beyond that. Can't wait to see it!

  3. I can't wait to see it, I'd imagine with the silk it will just always need to be handwashed, or at least that's what I'd always do with it.
    I have tons of cousins and many I see as often as my brothers and sisters we all grew up together and coming from a large family and my mom and dad coming from large families I seem to have brothers and sisters and cousins a plenty. I hope you enjoy your visit.

  4. I hope your cousin's visit went well.
    The yarn sounds lovely, can't wait to see which pattern you pick. I have seen some people advise you washing the yarn with a little vinegar to help set the colour, but never tried it myself - you will have to tell me how you get on.


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