YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, February 17, 2014

YoP update

I feel bad that I have not updated more often these past few weeks.  It's not that I don't want too, or that I don't think about it. It has to do with time and the things I am working on.

I did finish the hat and mitts for my DIL's b-day and she was quite grateful for them.  They went to Las Vegas for their birthdays and I knew that it would be chilly up there in the evening.  She said they came in quite handy and fit fantastically.

Remember, I had told you that as soon as those items were done, I was going to start on the Rowan book and pick out a top to make with some of my very special Blue Heron Metallic yarn. Well, that didn't happen.

This happened

 It was a test knit from our very own econnard.  I have test knit for her before and her patterns are so much fun.  Not terribly complicated at all.  This pattern is Zigzag Ripple Cowl.  It was an quick knit and is quite warm and comfy.  I did this in a worsted weight acrylic (Impeccable by loops and threads)  It has not made it to it's permanent home yet but should be there shortly.  Of course, it won't be needed until next winter again.  (we are already in the 80's here)

So than I was going to start on the sweater but got sidetracked again by this.
 I made a pair of lovely red variegated socks for DIL for Christmas and she loves them.  Then she reminded me that she never wears matching socks so she needs another pair that would totally be obnoxious with them.  So, off to my stash I went and found this lovely fiber that will not match the other in any way at all.  I was going great guns on this when I was asked to do another test knit from econnard.  How could I turn her down when I saw that it was a lace/cable pattern.  Here is a bit of a sneak peak at it.

It is not finished yet and of course no blocking has occurred on it.  So I am sure, this picture is a bit yucky to all of you.  But the yarn I am using is super soft and wonderful to work with.  Once we are allowed, I will show it to all of you in it's completed glory.  I still have a bit left to do on it to finish it and am hoping to be darn near done with it by this evening.  Since today is a holiday and I have nothing planned, I am going to knit my little heart out.

I go a wonderful Valentine's day gift from my wonderful enabling hubby this year.

It is my Beka Swift.  I have wanted a swift for some time but really didn't like the umbrella types.  I needed one that would sit on top of my craft table.  I had a choice of a couple.  The Amish swift and this one.  I have used the Amish swift before and it was not a pleasant experience for me.  I had researched the Beka and talked to people that had it.  In all the reports from owners, I only had one complainer.  I love it!  I am able to wind up a hank of yarn in under 5 minutes.  I was using the handlebars of my bicycle before and it was a royal pain.

So what is on the horizon for my crafting?  
Doll Clothes for AG doll (uses up lots of 'scrap' yarn) 
 Nope, haven't even started on this

Lots of socks.  Hopefully at least 6 pairs made 
 5 pair done and one more on the needles

Fingerless Mitts for me (one is done but needs a partner)
This is completed.  I have one more pair to do for Christmas present so am not worried about that at this point.

Scarf for me to match the hat and mitts I am making  
Not seeing this happening too quickly at this point.

2-3 sweaters for adults  
Still have a WIP on this and have another picked out to do.  Doubtful this will be completed by the end of this YoP

1-2 sweaters for children 

Complete GB afghan 

dishcloths for gifts again this year 
Yup, finished 12 of them so far and gifted all of them.

I have updated my YoP list to reflect where I am.  I am thinking that once I complete this test knit I will finish up the socks that are on the needles and then..........................probably work on the sweater that is on the needles before I cast on the 'special' sweater I have in mind to make for myself.  That is..............unless I get caught up in another test knit.  I love doing them and I think next year my YoP will reflect test knits to be added in.  In fact, I was invited to do another test this today..................................I refused.  I really must get some items finished for others before I do another test knit.

So that is it for today.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Love the cowl and the test knit looks super I can't wait to see that done. Those socks look great and I must try wearing complete mis match socks but I don't know if I've got it in me, would be interesting to see how long I'd last though! Your swift looks great, I use the back of a chair or the olders childrens arms, perhaps in time when they get bigger and get fed up of it they'll get me a swift as a present ;)

  2. What an interesting swift. I haven't seen that one before. I love my wooden umbrella one. I've had it and used it for almost six years. It's such a good investment.
    The zig zag cowl is interesting to look at with its stitch pattern. It certainly looks warm for one's neck. Very cool how you're the go to test knitter.

  3. What a sweet hubby you have! The lace/cable pattern is looking wonderful already, can't wait to see it completely finished!

  4. I've printed out your post for my husband :)

    What lovely stuff!


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