YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Day!

Ok, So I didn't make a post last week and for that I apologize.  But you see, we were very busy at a retreat for the people that are coming into our Church this Easter.  There were quite a few people at the retreat (42 to be exact) and this is kind of what the day looked like.

We were there from 7:30 that morning until 5pm that evening.  It was a long day and we were totally exhausted by the end.  In fact, about the only thing I did on Sunday was go to Mass and go visit my mom for a little bit.  Other than that, I lounged around, crocheted a little and knitted a little and took several naps.

So here is a few photos of my progress this past week.

 Still working on the DW dish cloth.  I like this pattern with variegated yarn as it breaks the color up so nicely and you don't get any big blotches anywhere.

Worked on the shawl for my DD Christmas present.  See the line on the right?  That is where I had to go and pick up stitches to start the other half.  What?  Did you say congratulations for getting it half way done?  Don't get too excited there.  Because this

is showing how long the first half is.  I had to order another ball of the yarn as their ideas and my ideas of how long a ball would last are two totally different things.

This is a finished project that was not on my YoP list.  My hubby chi-weenies got me a Kindle Fire for valentines day.  So hubby told me I should get a case for it.  You know us fiber people.  Why buy one when you can make one.  So I did.  Nothing too fancy but it will protect the screen from scratching while transporting it in my purse.

While at the retreat last week I started another pair of socks.  For some reason the toe is all sorts of ugly.  Therefore I am going to rip them out and start them over again trying a different approach to the toe.  Now look closely at the needles they are on.  YES!!!!!!!  I finally did it.  I ordered my first pair of Signature needles.  I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!  They are pricey but well worth the money spent.  They are made in here in the USA and that was another plus for me.  Let me tell you that if you order from them......................they ship the day the order goes in.  I had these babies in 4 days!  I could hardly wait to cast on some socks which might be why the toe is all icky.  These are a size 3 US.  They are working on getting size 2 and 1's in the circular and I will be in line when those come out.

I also got a set of the Etimo crochet hooks.  Those are made in the UK and are so comfortable to work with.  Having arthritis in my hands (and other parts of the body) I look for hooks that are cushioned.  I have cushions I can put on hooks but for the smaller hooks it doesn't work so well.  I hold my hook like a knife but these would work for those that hold their hook like a pencil too.  I bit pricey again but I ordered them through JoAnn's and used a coupon and for having a nice set like this it was not that bad of a price.

Ok, so now I am going to tell you about our exciting day yesterday.

 First up I want you to meet our newest Godson.

This is Joshua Michael.  We were honored to be the Godparents yesterday at his baptism.  He is just 2 months old and sweet heart.  Of course that is me holding him because I just adore babies.  

Then the climax of our day was this.

We had Mass and dinner with Bishop Olmsted.  He is one of the most humble men I know.  Kind, funny, and so down to earth.  It helped too that he is from Kansas where I grew up.  We have met him several times but this is the first time we had our picture taken with him.

So that is my two week review.  I don't see anything on my calendar to stop me from blogging next week.  I look forward to my blog days.  Keeps me focused on my YoP and my life.

Oh, and if you read my blog regularly and not just my YoP I will let you know that my healthy eating has paid off.  I have managed to throw away 9 pounds of ugly unwanted body weight.  I am still going and have a ways to go before I am at my goal.  But it is nice to be able to put on a pair of jeans (I love jeans) and find out that they are too big.  I have on my closet shelf one more smaller size of jeans and once I am out of those it will be shopping trip for me. (No I don't think knitting or crocheting jeans is in my future)

Happy Crafting!


  1. Love the dishcloth in that yarn, you're right, it looks great. And congratulations on your new godson!

  2. Sounds like a very busy week indeed! That dishcloth pattern and yarn combo is absolutely fantastic!

  3. The shawl is looking good, isn't it annoying though when you have to get more yarn, I always seem to misjudge it, I never learn! Your new needles look exciting, I'm gla they were all they promised to be.

    Sounds like you've had a busy few days, lovely pics.

  4. Really lovely post and I love your dishcloth yarn, the DW pattern is great with variegated yarns. Your shawl is looking great and I love your kindle cover.

  5. What great projects you've got going on.
    Congrats on your successful retreat and being a godparent. And woo hoo!!! for losing weight and eating healthy.

  6. Congrats on the weight loss. I try off and on to exercise...to help the arthritis and get more tone, I actually don't need to loose; but know I would feel better if I exercised more...having trouble trying to be consistent.

    I too hold my hook like a knife vs pencil, think more do the latter, but haven't tried the cushions. I use plastics, Susan Bates, so much lighter then the previous metals I had for years.

  7. wow, you have been busy! Such pretty stitching.


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