YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Baseball Fever

I am really not much of baseball fan.  Well, not to watch it on TV.  But put me in a ball park and I become the biggest fan there ever was!  Tonight my BFF and her hubby have tickets to the Diamondbacks game and we are the lucky couple that get to go with them.  We are playing the Colorado Rockies.  (I love the Rockies' uniforms) I am so excited.  This is only the second game we have gone to this year. 

Last time we went I took my knitting but left it in the car during the game.  Tonight the knitting is going to the game with me.  I have got to get more done on the lovely handsome scarf that I am knitting for Jadin.  I managed to get about 2 inches done on it last night so only need to do about 42 more inches and it will be done.  LOL

Now the greatest thing tonight would be if we won.  We won last night and would like to see them do it two in a row.  We are in contention for the pennant this year.  And if the Giants loose again it would help a whole bunch.

Did I say I wasn't a big baseball fan.  Oops, guess I am listening to DH more than I thought.

I will let you all know how it goes tonight. (knitting and the game)  I have something going on every other night this week so knitting time will limited.  I guess I will just have to start carrying it with me every where I go just in case there is a 10 minute interval where I can whip out the needles.

Happy Crafting

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