YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, February 5, 2017

YOP week 32


Wow, what a wild and crazy 2 weeks.  I am still away from home.  Just let me tell you that the weather in New Orleans is some wacky stuff.  One day it's 80 and the next it is 54.  But..........it is still very interesting to be in another part of this country.  I'm loving the accents here.

I have done some knitting.

I made a couple of these for my daughter in law.  She is in base housing and is trying to get by with the bare minimum since this is only temporary.  We joke about her sparse furnishings but I totally understand why she is doing it.  She has a fully furnished home back in Texas, complete with husband and sons.  Daughter is in New Orleans with mom which explains why I am here while mom is away on a temporary duty elsewhere.

Here is my Dying of the light shawl.  It has gotten so large I can no longer spread it out for a decent photo.  I am loving it and it is all I'm working on at this point.

Grand Daughter did not have school on Friday.  We decidec it woukd be the perfect day to do some sight seeing.  Off we went to the Aquarium.  It was so much fun and I saw a favorite of mine. 

Seahorses..........they are my favorite sea creatures.  I could and stand there and watch them for quite a while.

I found another fish to fall in love with. 

It is a Royal Gramma fish.  The color is so striking.  I was totally drawn in by it.

Not much else to report.  I have another 10 days here.  Then back to reality lol.

Until next time..........Happy Crafting! 


  1. I got a little lost in the paragraph where you're explaining your being in New Orleans, but I think I understand you to be caring for your grand daughter. I have found memories of visiting the aquarium exhibit at the zoo. Your pictures make me want to go back and take it in now - without the fuss of having to corral o keep and eye on kids.

  2. Lucky DIL! Your shawl is beautiful and it looks like a lot of work has gone into it. I'm in AR and the weather is not quite as warm but with the same crazy fluctuations! Yesterday was 36 and today is 66! I never know how to dress when I get up in the morning. I always check the weather first...lol!
    I love aquariums and sea horses are just precious. How wonderful to get one-on-one time with your granddaughter!
    thanks for the pictures of the aquarium. Have more fun in the next 10 days and report back here!

  3. Sounds as though you are having a great time - the aquarium and seahorses look splendid. I love seahorses too.

  4. Sounds as though you are having a great time - the aquarium and seahorses look splendid. I love seahorses too.

  5. What;s not to love with seahorses... such cute adorable faces.
    I am totally in love with your shawl.

  6. Oh my - I love seahorses too. Your weather sounds better than here on the snowy west coast of Canada!

  7. Oh my - I love seahorses too. Your weather sounds better than here on the snowy west coast of Canada!

  8. So nice to spend some time together. New ORleans......a town of busyness and fun I imagine. I Love to see fish in the aquarium in chicago, the JOhn G. Shedd


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