YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

YoP week 5 thru...........................??????

I have been trying to get to my blog for half a week now.  It just didn't happen.  But tonight, tonight I have some quite time all to myself.  So I have decided I will do my blogging tonight. There is no hubby around for a few hours, Grand Daughter went home around 4pm after a wonderful sleep over last night.  Dogs are all snuggled in their beds right next to my work station.  Life is wonderful.

About the title of this post...........................I am about to be absent from blogging for about 6-8 weeks.  We have been notified that our kitchen will be ready to start install on the 24th of this month.  That gives us 3 weeks to completely empty the lovely little area, completely destroy the current cabinetry and counter tops, patch and paint the walls.  There is really not going to be much time to blog.  Although, I will be keeping up with all of your blogs.  It helps me to keep in touch with all your accomplishments.  I may not comment, but trust me, I am reading all of them.

As soon as the new cabinets are set into place, the counter top folks will be coming out to measure for the counter tops and then we need to make a day trip to the other side of town to pick out the slabs of granite we want for our kitchen.  That will take 2 weeks before they are ready to be installed.

So you think, Why doesn't she blog during those 2 weeks while waiting for the counter tops?  Because, as soon as the cabinets are set into place, we have to hustle and get the bathrooms patched and painted as the bathroom folks are coming in to destroy and reconstruct our new tub/showers the same week the counter tops are being installed.  It will be just a little crazy in our home for the next 6-8 weeks. 

My knitting and coloring will be keeping me sane.  As well as my friends who have offered to help us in anyway they can.  One of them has even gone as far as to offer to let me leave my dogs at her place while the crews are in our house.  That's a pretty nice offer, if you ask me.

I promise, after all this craziness is over.......................I will be back blogging away about all the great fibery things I have done while keeping my sanity.

One a good note.........................I have completed one market bag for Christmas.  My Grand Daughter and I have also finished 75% of the wedding box.  So it is not like I am just sitting around fretting all day.  I do keep busy.  I am still plugging away on socks and the shawl. My Daughter asked the other day, if I was ever going to complete her log cabin blanket that I have been knitting on for the past 5 years.  Do you think that was a hint?  It is such an easy knit, that just might have to be my go to project during the next few weeks.

Time to go, before my alone time is gone.  I hear some socks calling my name!!!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Such good things you've got going on, Marsha. I'll look forward to seeing all your creations when you get back to blogging. And maybe you could take some pictures of the new kitchen to share here, too!

  2. Oh, crazy but exciting times!! Have fun and looking forward to having you back after the craziness!

  3. Exciting things going on, bit stressful but the end will be so much worth the means. Hope you get some down time in between it all to craft

  4. Wow, sounds like a a tornado of activity at your house. I think the blanket sounds like a great keep your sanity project. Good luck with everything!

  5. Wow a new kitchen and bathrooms! I am so jealous. Please share your new digs once you are completed and back on line. I have a quilt that I have been working on for about that long for my daughter.. one day she'll be very surprised when she gets the completed project. Hopefully your's will be completed soon.


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