YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, January 12, 2014

YoP update for the new year

I have no real excuse for not posting for the past couple of months other than I was so busy trying to finish all my Christmas knitting/crocheting that I didn't have the time to even log onto my computer or download pictures or even TAKE any pictures.

But I finished all my Christmas knitting/crocheting just in time.

The Green Bay afghan got finished at 1pm on Christmas Eve!  It was given as a gift at 4pm that same day.  Talk about a close call!  My BFF loved it has uses it all the time to keep herself warm.  She has some medical issues and she is always cold so this was a much loved and will be a much used gift.

I didn't get photos of the other gifts that got made but here is a list of them:

2 dishcloths (I had others already made so only needed 2 more to complete the season)
2 pair of socks
Peacock earrings and necklace set (I know it is not fiber related but I had to make some anyway)

That is about all I made.

Let me tell you....................I made a pair of mink socks for my mom and she is in love!  She said they are the warmest things she has ever had on her feet.  They are short socks as she likes to wear socks to bed and that is what they are for.

The other socks I made were from Panda Cotton and for my DIL.  I have made socks for everyone else in the family and she has made comment that she has never received any.  That problem is now taken care of.

The afghan was a bugger to to do.  I was not as professional on it as I should have been but it took me a loooooong time to do it and by the time I was done I was totally sick of green and gold!  It is huge too.  It fills the top of her king sized bed.

So now what do I work on?  I was working on my Radian Yoke sweater when I was notified that my fingerless mitts almost went to a new home.  Yup, my DIL saw them on my kitchen counter and decided that they would be a perfect thing for her to have.  She also reminded me that her birthday was coming up at the end of January. (I can take a hint)  So I pulled out my sock yarn and started on them.  I also realized that I would have enough yarn to make her a matching slouchy beanie.  One glove will be done by today and hopefully the other by next weekend.  The hat doesn't take but a few days so it will all be done before the 30th!

I looked at my YoP list for this year and have discovered that being 'fague' is a good thing.  Lets see how I am doing.

Doll Clothes for AG doll (uses up lots of 'scrap' yarn) 
 Nope, haven't even started on this

Lots of socks.  Hopefully at least 6 pairs made 
 4 pair done and more ready to go

Fingerless Mitts for me (one is done but needs a partner)
Yup, did that and now doing another pair for DIL

Scarf for me to match the hat and mitts I am making  
This might happen before the year is up

2-3 sweaters for adults  
Trying to finish the one I have started now

1-2 sweaters for children 
Yup, finished one already

Complete GB afghan 

dishcloths for gifts again this year 
Yup, finished 12 of them so far and gifted all of them.

I feel pretty good about the list this year.  Of course things always seem to get added on around Christmas time.  I have a request from my Grand Daughter to make her a pair of pink slippers with blue fluffy trim.  REALLY?  I will have to look into this but not until her mommy's mitts and hat are done.

Hope you all have had a blessed Christmas/ Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Boxing Day/Twelfth Night or what ever it is that you celebrate this time of year.


  1. My husband would live the afghan, it came out great!

  2. Love the blanket, its gorgeous and can see why it took ages, glad it was done just in time. I was photographing my last bunny for the Xmas season at 10am Xmas morning while my sister waited to collect if off me. Luckily the children were off playing with gifts so didn't notice Mommy gone for a few minutes. Your DIL is going to love the mitts and hat and I like my vague kind of way of doing the lists this year also it seems to suit better.

  3. OMG that blanket is amazing! If you had only done that and nothing else on your YoP list, it'd still be an awesome accomplishment.

    And I'd be totally sick of green and gold too. Maybe a bunch of small, instant gratification projects for the next while?

  4. You are amazing. Busy crafting up Christmas gifts? What a sweet and thoughtful person you are.

  5. WOW to the queen sized Packers blanket. That is incredible. Congratulations on making it out of the holiday crafting season!

  6. The Afghan is gorgeous, but I can see why it took so long and I can imagine being very fed up by the end! Worth it though and I am sure it will be a cherished gift.

  7. Amazing work on the afghan, it must have taken many many hours of work!


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