YOP LIST 2024-2025

Saturday, June 15, 2013


I know..................I keep promising you guys photos of all my recent crafting activity.  But, alas, I have not kept that promise and I feel really bad about it.  So I am hoping that this week I can go from room to room and take photos of all the things I have completed in the last few months, as well as the things I am working on.  Then I PROMISE to do nothing but a photo blog with captions for all of you.

It has been plenty hectic here in leftycrafter-ville.  Seems like this year is flying by and I am running to keep up with it.

Hubby and I did have our little mini-vacation in April and it revived me so much.  It was much needed after all the hustle and bustle of Easter.  We teach classes for adults interested in joining the Catholic church.  It starts in August and the big day for everyone is Easter Saturday.  So hubby and I needed a little time away to regroup and get ready for other things in our lives.

I spend most of my free time knitting or crocheting.  It really relaxes me and takes me away from my everyday cares.  Hubby watches sports on TV and my needles are clicking away.  Yup, we are an old married couple for sure.

May came and went.................I took another knitting class that month.  We learned how to make Radian Yoke Sweater  It was a great knit and I managed to get the entire sweater done in less than 6 weeks.  I am in the process of making sweater number 2 from that pattern and making a few adjustments so it fits my tastes a bit more.

My brother and his wife came for a visit in May.  It was nice to see them again.  We normally get to see each other once a year and so it is nice when they come to town.

June 1st saw me hit a milestone birthday.................60!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now, let me tell you that I DO NOT feel 60.  I don't even know what 60 is suppose to feel like.  But mentally I still think of myself in my 40's so what is up with that?  My family thought is would be wonderful to have a nice birthday party for me too.  My friend, Bev, allowed us to have it at their home since she has a great open floor plan.  It turned out nice even though I agreed to it screaming and kicking all the way.

Hubby and I also joined a gym this year and we have decided that we are not getting any younger and need to make sure our bodies stay in good enough shape to keep up with our grand kids.  I have really enjoyed going and find that my energy is so much better now that I am working out 3-4 times a week.

That is about all from my 'personal' side of my life.

Today is hubby's birthday and I took him to dinner tonight at a great BBQ house.  (birthday folks get $10 off their meal and that usually pays for the meal).  Tomorrow is Father's day and the in town family will be coming over for food, swim and laughter.

Happy crafting

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