YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, May 23, 2011

I made / missed it!

If you are reading this, then that means you made missed it too.  Yup, didn't make the cut for the rapture.  Now I am not making fun of anyone here.  I personally do not believe in the rapture scenerio.  I do believe that the world as we know it will end someday.  I do believe that we will all have a final judgment before God.  I do believe in Heaven and Hell.  I do believe that there will continue to be people that will try and guess when the end of the world will be.  But I REALLY believe in the Bible that tells us "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:36  So every time someone makes a prediction about the end of the world we can rest assured that is most likely not the day or time.  So I continue to live each day as if is my last.  Each day I thank the Lord for another day to be a witness to Him and pray that I can do the best I humanly can in living as Christ lived.  Trying to love every one equally and with out predjudice.  It is not easy to do but I continue to try to do better each day, with the help of God.

That said.......................I am glad to announce that my lovely blog friends are once again blogging!  I have even found some really great new blogs to follow.  So many people out there with so much talent.  I am so impressed by this.

On a personal note, this weekend my brother from TX came in to be with my mom for a few days.  She so looks forward to his visits.  Since she no longer can travel well, it is so nice for others to come and visit her.  I am sure there are days she gets tired of it just being me and my family that she gets to interact with.  She even gets so excited with phone calls from her friends and other family.  Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to happen too often unless she initiates the calls.  She is a very vibrant woman and her physical limitations have really hurt her pride.  She has a wonderful mind and a quick wit.  She loves to give love and never seems tired of trying to "do" for others.  There has not been a time that I have not gone to visit her that she doesn't express how happy she is that I have taken time out of my day to "do" for her.  But this is the woman that gave me life, loved me even when I was not the nicest person to her, cared for me when I was very ill, stood by me when my marriage crumbled apart and has endured her share of suffering with the loose of 2 husbands.  We have laughed and cried together.  We have argued and made up lots of times.  This is my mom and I love her so much.

This weekend also saw the first time my grand daughter got in our swimming pool for the season.  That water was really really cold but she didn't care.  She just had to go swimming!  Her poor father had to go in with her too.  (no way was I getting in there and her mommy is stupid either!)  His only comment to her was "Just remember when you get older and accuse me of not loving you that I did this today for you".  At this point he cannon balled into the pool and you could hear the scream from under the water.  (it really was cold)  She cannon balled in right behind him and the cold took her breath away.  But they managed to stay in for a little over an hour.  Bravo to them!!!  (BTW:  Jose told her daddy that she would always love him and she knew that he would always love her.)

Not much going on on the crafting front.  Still working on the second spiderman blanket.  It is just so warm now that it is really uncomfortable to have that thing on my lap for more than about 20 minutes.  But once it is finished I am going to go back to my sock knitting.  That is my favorite summer project to do.  They are light and small so they don't sit on my lap.  I can also do dishclothes and other small projects for the next 4-5 months.  Hats are another good choice during the hot months here in the desert.

Our Grand Daughter graduates from Kindergarten this week.  We have a Grand Son that is going to be graduating from college too!  What an exciting year to be a grand parent.  Of course every year is exciting to us as grand parents.  We get to see them grow and mature in so many ways.  We truly have been blessed with all of our grand children.  (that would be 6 of them)

Happy Crafting

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