YOP LIST 2024-2025

Saturday, April 30, 2011


I have been promising pictures for some time now.  Well, today I decided to fulfill my promise.  The only picture I have not gotten yet is the one of the spiderman blanket.  I am working on getting that one.  I discovered that after I finished the blanket my husband was kind enough to wash it and then put it in a dust/animal/bug proof bag so it would be nice and fresh for when the childs birthday came. 

This is the Princess blanket.  I just want you to be aware that this is on a queen size bed.  So don't think this was any small blanket.  It is the same pattern as the spiderman blanket.

This is a close up of the yarn.  The dark pink has a lovely silver thread going through it.  And yes, the grand daughter informed me that she loved it and it is BIG enough.  (all her other blankets are from when she was but a wee babe)

Here is our backyard completed now.  We have the "grass" all installed and the pool has been drained and cleaned this year.  It is so nice to go out there and just enjoy ourselves.  It has been a long time coming but we finally finished it.  Basically all of the outside of our home is now completed.  We painted and re-roofed it last year.  Did the front yard the year before and now the back is done.  (well, we do have to replace the gate but we have someone doing that for us.)

So now we will start to concentrate on the inside of the house.  We have lived here since 1988 and have been kind of doing one room at a time. (Cheaper that way).  We have 3 rooms done the way we want them.  But several more to go.  (seven actually)  It will eventually get done and then we will once again decide that we need to do something else to it.  I lovingly call it my money pit.  But it's ours and I would rather fix it up than move.  This is where we have lived the longest and basically where our kids kind of grew up.  (we moved 14 times in 12 years so they kind of grew up as nomads too)

I am still working on spiderman blanket #2 but have not touched it at all this week.  Hubby has been out of town and I have been using that oppurtunity to purge the house of un-needed items.  I do much better at this when he is gone than if he is looking over my shoulder.  I have one more room to go through and hopefully I will get that done before he returns this evening.  If not.......there will always be another time.

Happy crafting.

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