YOP LIST 2024-2025

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Lots of Pictures

I finally got my camera downloaded and here are some pictures of our grands.

Here is Josie our 2yr old DGD spinning in the computer chair. She has more fun with that then with any of her other toys. But then after a hard morning of playing she must get her beauty sleep in her tinkerbell room.

Then we have our grands in Chicago. This is the day we decided to go to the Navy Pier in Downtown Chicago. We raced to the train station only to watch the train leaving as we arrived. So we had a family conference and decided to drive to the Pier. We had a wonderful time and the younger ones went to the Children's Museum there. If the pictures are any indication, I would say they enjoyed themselves. If you don't know who is who in the pictures of the Chicago family here is a list.
Jay our son
Jamie his wife (Our lovely DIL!)
Skyler (19)
Neiko (14)
Jaden (7)
Bryson (4)

We sure do miss them. The nice thing about the trip is my Mother got to go with us and it was the first time she had ever met Bryson and only the second time she had seen Jaden. So it was good to all be together again.

In the crafting world.....I just finished another purse and am working on a baby blanket. (No one in the family is pregnant but it was too pretty not to make) When I finish it I have another baby blanket I am going to make that my DIL Stacie has asked me to do just in case a little would appear.

Have a wonderful day. We are heading out to Nashville tomorrow for a week. I have a seminar there and my DH is going along to "play". I will take picture there too and promise I will get them downloaded faster and post some here.

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