Here are a few pictures from our trip to Nashville. I had a conference there and my DH got to go along with me so in our down time we did a little sight seeing. Now, I just want you all to know that I am not a country music fan so this was not a trip that I would have picked out for myself. But since my company was paying for it I decided that I had to make the most of it. I did have a good time and there are lot of stories I could tell you but I would never be able to fit them all on this blog. So I will just tell you about the pictures.
The first one is a no brainer for all of you over the age of 40. Of course that is Minnie Pearl. (Well a statue of her anyway) I tried so hard to buy a Minnie Pearl hat while I was there. I saw one and did not buy it thinking I would find another one later on and never did. Oh Well, I am not sure that my office would have understood the humor behind it since most of the people I work with are kind of young.
The next picture is taken at the Ryman Auditorium. It is where the Grand Old Opry that I watched on TV as a youth was filmed. It has since moved to a fancy dancy place called Gaylord Opryland. I really liked this place better and it still as the original seating in it and lots of history to go with it. It is still used today and some big names have played there recently, like Toby Keith! (I was told he is THE one to see)
The last picture is the Country Music Hall of Fame. And yes I did go thru it. I was amazed at how many "stars" I knew and had heard sing. But then my parents listened to all that kind of music when I grew up. I remember the Tennesee Ernie Ford hour, The Jimmy Dean show, Andy Griffith, etc.
We spent a week there and really enjoyed every minute of it. It is very friendly and the weather was fantastic. I don't think I would go there in the middle of summer though. I little to humid for this desert rat.
On the crafting front...........I am crocheting a sweater for ME!!!!! I have the back, front and 1/2 of one sleeve finished and I have only been working on it for about 4 days. I was going to work on that tonight instead of updating my blog but I left the pattern at my friend's house and don't want to continue on without it. She is bringing the pattern back tomorrow so I will be good to go then. Other than that I really am not doing much crafting. Oh!!! I was working on the baby blanket last time I wrote. Well I got the body of it done and was on the 4th row of edging when I found out I had miscounted on row one of the edging. So I am in the process of ripping out all the edging and starting that over. Now you know why I am working on the sweater.
Have a great week and let me know what is going on in your crafting life. (no one ever comments but some day I may get one!)