YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, March 9, 2025



Hey there!  I missed posting last week as I really didn't have anything new to talk about or show.  This week I am loaded for bear.  So sit back, grab your favorite beverage with a snack and enjoy.

I have finishes!  Did you notice that was a pural?  Yup.  I have 2 FO's to show.  First up..........

The Mehujaa Shawl is finally off my needles.  This is my all time favorite shawl to make and wear.  It is large enough to actually cover your back to your waist and maybe a bit lower depending on your height.  The lace back is very decorative but still offers some warmth.  The sides are stockinette stitch that keeps your arms nice and warm too.  It is big enough to actually wrap around you too.  The yarn I used for this one is discontinued.  I picked it up when my LYS was going out of business.  I have another colorway in this same yarn that will also be make into one of these shawls.  

Once that was off the needles, I felt I needed a cleansing project.  So.......................................

My forty-third To The Point shawl for our church's prayer shawl ministry.  This is made from Caron Simply Soft in the colorway Plum Perfect.  If you haven't heard, JoAnn's is going out of business.  This meant I needed to go and load up on Caron Simply soft yarn for my prayer shawls.  You will be seeing many of the above shawls over the next several months as well as some lapghans.  I cleaned out one of our JoAnn's stores of all their simply soft yarn.  I also went on line and ordered many more skeins in colorways that I knew I would be happy to use.  Believe it or not, I was almost out of worsted weight yarn for my prayer shawls!  I do believe I am set for quite a while now. LOL

After the TTP shawl was completed, I did not feel like casting on anything new.  WHAT????  Shocking!!!  So I picked up my RCR sock that has been hanging around for quite a while.

The progress keeper is where I was yesterday when I picked it up.  The yarn is On Your Toes and is a just a tish thicker than the fingering weight yarn I normally use.  but, being a bamboo/nylon blend, it will be perfect for the days I am doing my PT.  They are a bit cushy which is nice too.  I will probably just work on this for now.  I really want to get it done and move on to the second sock.

The only other thing I worked on in the past couple of weeks is my diamond art.

I am having so much fun working on this.  The squares with numbers or letters are still in need of being filled in with 'beads'.  I have been trying to complete one color at a time.  This picture has 25 different colors.  Not too bad.  AND.........since JoAnn's is going out of business, I picked up 3 more diamond art pictures to do after this is completed.    I have plenty of crafts to keep be occupied once our weather gets so hot I do not want to venture outside of my home.

Since I am working on the diamond art now, I decided to get some better tools than what is included with the kits.

Ergonomical tools.  So much easier on my hands and wrists.  

I did not stop here by last week as we had a family day to say goodbye to Samantha.  She has been living with our TX family for the past 5 years.  She even moved to Arizona with them.  We adopted her as one of our grandkids.  She decided she wanted to move back to Texas.  So we had a lovely afternoon with the family to bid her adieu.  

Our son, Jay, loves to cook for people and his food did not disappoint for the party.  (The loaf of bread is from me)  We had steaks and baked potatoes with southern green beans.  Our daughter brought home made ice cream for desert.  YUM!  Samantha is now safely in Texas, all unpacked and ready to start her best life.

Hubby had a Drs appointment a couple of weeks ago.  His blood sugars are slowly starting to creep up.  The Dr asked him to limit his carbs (breads and pastas).  We have had this scenario before............about 10 years ago.  We got his numbers down by just doing a few simple adjustments to our daily meals.  One of the things we did was make smoothies every morning for breakfast.  We started doing that again this past week.  Luckily, I had written down the ingredients we used the last time we did this and was able to assemble everything needed in just one shopping trip.  We use fruits and veggies in the smoothies.  Yes, they are combined all together.  Take a look.............

This has greens, cucumber, lemon, strawberry, mango, pineapple, ginger, beets, tumeric, almond milk, agave nectar and protein powder.  What do I taste?  The fruit!  I have also started making wheat bread instead of pure white bread.  Sourdough is back on the menu too.  I kind of fell off the wagon for a couple of months but pulled out my starter last night and gave it a good feeding and will be making a loaf today.

And that, my friends, completes my last couple of week.  I am still doing physical therapy and enjoying the strength I am getting back in my lower extremities.  Josh is still doing ok.  He goes for another MRI this week and will have the results the same day as the MRI!  Enrique continues to amaze us with how well he is doing.  I finally convinced my hubby to hire a pool service as well as a yard service.  That will take a load off of him.  He continues to dust and clean the floors of the house and I do all the countertops and appliances.  I do the laundry and we grocery shop together.  It all works out.

Here is your chuckle for the week......................

Until Next Time...................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!