Thought it was about time for me to update the blog. So what better way then to give you all some pictures to look at. So let me give you a bit of a rundown of what they are.
First there is my grandaughter Josie with her Auntie Jenn (my daughter). Auntie Jenn took her to the build a bear factory and of course Josie had to have a bunny. While we were waiting to get the bunny stuffed we did a little shopping to find just the right dress and shoes for the bunny. So what did Josie find? Cinderella clothes and glass slippers. So now we have Cinderbunny.
Next picture is of Josie and her Daddy (my son) as she is searching for her Easter eggies (her word not mine). Her Grammy in Seattle sent down plastic easter eggs filled with MONEY! Guess the Seattle Easter Bunny is pretty neat. Anyway since the bunny left the eggies at Grammy Linna's (Josie doesn't say Linda well yet) house, Grammy thought she had better get them packaged and sent down to Arizona ASAP! Good thing she did too.
Next we have Josie showing off her body painting that she had done at the renaissiance festival. She calls it her maritaposa. No I did not spell it wrong that is how she pronounces mariposa! Cute huh? Anyway we went to the festival on Easter Sunday (got out of cooking Easter Dinner) and it was a wonderful day. Don't get me wrong, we did not miss Easter Mass at Church. But the Easter Mass we go to was held on Saturday night and is called the Easter Vigil. (It lasts for about 3 hours but is worth every minutes) It is when we receive into the Church all the people that have been studying the Catholic Faith for a year or more. We have sessions each week during this time to help them along their journey. My DH facilitates for the adults and I cook for their retreats. So that is a VERY special Mass for us. So that freed Sunday up for us to do something special so off to the festival we went!
And the last picture is of Josie getting the tape off the eggie so she can count her George Washingtons! (She does tell her daddy that she likes Ben Franklins best though)
It was a wonderful day and I was so glad we all got to be together. Even my mom went with us for the day and she loved it too. Now I do not want any of you folks that spent your Easter shoveling snow to send me any hate mail. It is not my fault that it was 75 and sunny Easter Sunday. But I am not complaining about it either. Just remember that by June we will be 100+ degrees here and it will be just plain HOT!
On the crafting front............Great news. I have found someone that is in need or prayer shawls. We have a cancer ministry at our parish and the head of it found out I had LOTS of prayer shawls just sitting around my house. She had just given the last one she had away and was in need of more. Well, I dropped off that 33 gallon bag of shawls to her and told her more would be on the way! So I am crocheting a seraphina shawl in varigated yarn. I love this pattern as it just lays across the shoulders so nicely. I am also looming a dark purple prayer shawl for my daughter Jenn. It is really nice and airy. When she was here during Easter she saw it and was very excited about it. I also have chapel veils that I need to get sewn. I was given the material but just have not taken the time to cut them and edge them. Maybe this week while my DH is at his meetings I can get some of that done.
That is all for right now. I have lots more to tell you but will leave it for another post another day. Have a great day!