YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 13, 2024



Still hoping for fall to happen here in my neighborhood.  Supposedly, we will be dropping below 100F next week and should be in the 80's by next weekend!  Hooray!  I am so ready to be able to sit outside and enjoy some front porch knitting time.  

This week I had to do a thing with the baby sweater..................I frogged the entire thing.  I did not like the way the fabric looked.  It also was measuring waaaay to large for a newborn.  I dropped down 2 needle sizes and restarted it.  Here is where I am now.

  I am much happier with the fabric.  Not to mention the cable is more pronounced.  Here is the comparison.

The top photo is the bigger needles.  The cable kind of blends into the sweater.  Not anymore!

There was a little other crafting this past week.

I was walking around Hobby Lobby and these little guys jumped into my cart and begged me to make them into stitch markers.  Being the nice person I am, I granted them their wish.  They are so darn cute and very light weight.

Other than that, I have been working on my puzzle but don't have a lot done on it yet.  I also started coloring again with colored pencils and adult coloring books.  I forgot how much I enjoyed coloring.  It is so relaxing.  

With Amazon Days happening this past week, I was finally able to find a Dutch oven that would fit into my countertop oven.

I have been wanting to do my sourdough bread in a cast iron Dutch Oven for a while now.  Most of them are about 1-2 inches too tall with the lid.  This clears everything by 1.5 inches! As for how it does for bread?

I am in love!  This makes so much more sense than the round loaves.  Now I can have sandwiches on sourdough as well as my bread machine bread. 

Someone asked me to demonstrate how the cable locks work that I talked about last week.  

See how the stitches are all grouped towards the working end of the circular needle?

It locks onto the cable while you are knitting away.  Once done, you push the little button on the bottom and slide to the other side to hold those stitches when you switch ends.  It really does save me a ton of time.  Especially when I am doing large projects, like the shawl.  There are almost 300 stitches on there so it is quite cumbersome to keep pushing the stitches up as I knit along on it.  Is that clear as mud?

I am looking forward to this coming week.  I only have one day where I will be out of the house doing errands!  Last week, I was gone everyday doing something.  Might be why I didn't get much done on the puzzle and the sweater isn't finished.  

I have a ha-ha for you today too.

Until Next Time...............Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2024



Nope, still not autumn here.  We are cooling off at night though.  There is hope.  The best glimmer of hope is......when I turn on the cold water faucet, cool water now comes out of it.  Don't laugh.  In the summertime here, there is no such thing as cool water coming from any faucet in your home!  Trust me, cool water from the faucet is a good sign things are going to change.

This was such a fun week for me.  Let's get to it and find out why.

Last Sunday -  we had family day at Jay and Tiffany's home.  It was so nice to get the kids all together again.  (well, all but 1)  So much laughter and joy going around.  Even Jaxon joined in with all the fun.

Monday - Took Josh to his therapy appointment.  I always enjoy the one on one time we have when in the car.  After I dropped him home I went and filled our water jugs up for the coming week.  From there I braved going to a LYS that I had said I would never step foot in again.  Well......I figured after 30 years, things may have changed and boy howdy, did they ever. 

I was greeted with smiles and helpful hands the minute I walked into the store.  No one pressured me for anything.  I was allowed to look, touch and ask questions and no one thought less of me for it.  Oh!  I was in heaven for the entire hour I was there.  I did come home with treasures.

Barber Cord......This is what I originally went to the store to pick up.  Thanks to Maureen, I discovered this wonderful helpful item when putting 'on hold' stitches when making items.  If you can get past the strong smell, it is wonderful and makes life so easy.  Hopefully, the smell will dissipate with use.

Then I saw these:

Cable locks to keep your stitches from creeping down the circular cable while knitting on 'large' items.  I got two sizes and wanted a third size but they were out of them.  I have been using them for the shawl I am making as well as the baby sweater.  They are the bomb!  I had seen them advertised before and often thought of getting them but never did.  Well, when they are right there infront of you....who could resist?

Another thing I saw thanks to Maureen:

Yarn socks to keep your wound ball of yarn in while you knit.  No more yarn decided to unwind when being transported from bag to bag and place to place.  I might need to stop reading Maureen's blog posts.  She is an enabler LOL.  Actually, she has been a wealth of information to this knitter.

My last purchase there:

Did you think I would leave a yarn shop without yarn?  I was stoked to find cotton sock yarn.  One of the ladies that works there is also allergic to wool and has used this and really likes it.  Although, it does not have the stretch most sock yarns have, she said it wears well and does not slide down the leg.  So excited to make some short socks out of this.  I seldom wear long socks since our temperatures seldom require them.  I do have a few pairs for those for the rare times I go somewhere it is 'cold'.

There will be more trips to this LYS now that the personal in there has changed.  They have so many lovely yarns that I can use.  The shop is set up so it is easy to find the weight you are looking for and then according to fiber content.  Super easy to find just that right thing.  Not to mention all the cool accessories!  Oh my!  I am so happy!

Unfortunately, Jaxon went back to the hospital today.  She developed blood clots in her bad leg.  They admitted her and started her on heavy duty blood thinners to get those bad boys dissolved quickly. 

Tuesday - Josie came over to have me work on a dress she had purchased from a thrift store.  She finds the cutest clothes at these places.  Some laundry got done and I made pumpkin spice cookies. Hubby was very happy about the cookies.

Wednesday - Had a nice visit from Tiffany.  We sat and chatted for a couple of hours.  Yes, I think we solved all the problems of the world LOL.  I spent the rest of the day working on my puzzle and then on the baby sweater.

It is completed!  It was a challenge which is good.

The baby sweater is coming along.  On sleeve island.  Still need to find some cute buttons for it.

Thursday - Finally got my Thyroid biopsy scheduled for the end of this month!  This has been going on since July!  Josie and I went to see Jaxon in the hospital.  She had surgery earlier in the day to replace the integra (plastic skin) on her boo-boo.  They are hoping to be able to do the skin grafts in a couple of weeks.  The surgeon also found her knee had frozen and she took care of that too.  Jaxon is now under orders to walk a lot and to bend that knee!  Hubby and I had Adoration in the evening.

Friday - Spent the day in the kitchen playing with my sourdough.  I got dough made for bread and bagels.  The bagels even got baked that evening.  The bread dough got shaped and put in the fridge for an overnight ferment.  Jaxon got released from the hospital today...again.  Started a new puzzle today.

It will look like this when completed.

Since it is playoffs in baseball I decided this would be perfect to work on for the next few weeks.

Saturday - We finally were able to go and pick up food for our food bank again.  Afterwards, we took the beast (the new car) to the car wash and got it all slicked up.  Had a little visit from Jay and TIff, went to Mass and then did a trip to Sam's club to pick up few things.  Look at these little cuties.

I just couldn't resist them.  Most of our Christmas decor is done in nativity sets, but I wanted to add a bit of whimsy with it this year.

Today - Laundry is being done as I type this up.  Hopefully, all the bedding in the house will get washed today too.  We have had a few visits from Joe's brother so need to get the guest room sheets done.  I slept in the grandkids' room while Joe was under covid so those sheets need to be done too.  Not to mention our master bed sheets need to be washed too.  Luckily, I do not have anything else planned for the day.  It will be interesting to see how much I do before I wear out.

Here is your ha-ha for the day................Can any of you related?

Until Next Time....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 29, 2024



I am going to keep using the above header in hopes the weather here will get the hint.  Yesterday it was 117F here! (47C)  All of us desert rats are getting a bit tired of these ridiculous temperatures.  My calendar says autumn yet the temperatures scream summer.  YUCK!

Now, that I have that off my chest, let me take you on my crafting journey from last week.

I finished the puzzle!

The water was the hardest part to put together.  Once finished I had 2 extra puzzle pieces.  I hung onto them.  I got this puzzle along with about 10 more from some friends.  Not sure if the extra pieces could be from other puzzles or not.  But, just in case, I have them at the ready.

Another puzzle was started.  This one is brand new and I am really enjoying it.

The pieces are not 'normal' shaped puzzle pieces which makes this a bit challenging.  

Here is what it will look like when completed.  Hubby and I picked up 5 of these type puzzles from Costco a few weeks back.  I like their 'old fashion' feel to the pictures.

There was yarn play this week too.

Mehujaa saw a lot of love this past week.

The first skein of yarn is just about depleted.  There are 102 rows worked and another 152 rows left!  Each right side row gains 4 stitches.  It will end up with 483 stitches when I bind off.  Those 'stripes' will become narrower and narrower as I get closer to the bottom of the shawl.  This is such a joy to do.  The yarn is very soft and fuzzy.

Josie asked me to make her tattoo artist a baby sweater and hat.  The artist is due in December and is having a boy.  Josie's other grandma made a baby blanket for her and had plenty of leftover yarn for me to use for the sweater outfit.

This was cast on Friday evening.  Once again I am making the Wee Sherlock sweater.  The yarn is Hobby Lobby Baby Bee Sweet Delight Wrap in the colorway Softly.  I had never used this yarn before but will be using it again.  It is a DK weight so I am making a 3-6 month size to get a newborn measurement.  This is so incredibly soft!  My only complaint....It is hard to see the cable due to the variegation of the yarn.

See?  Even close up, it is hard to see.  It does show up better in person though.  I have already been asked, by Josie, to do another sweater set for another friend's baby who will make it's appearance in June of 2025.  Since the baby will not need a sweater for about 6 months, I will be making a much bigger size of the Wee Sherlock.  She is going to find out gender and once that is revealed I will purchase the yarn and get going on it. 

Here is how the rest of my week went.

Monday - Saw my Cardiologist and got good news.  The echo on my heart showed it is 100% normal.  No abnormalities.  I explained my angst about my other Dr's not receiving requested information from her.  Found out there is a glitch in the practice's email system.  Also, she was shocked that I had not been give appointments for other tests to be done by her office.  Needless to say, her staff got a piece of her mind before I left.

Tuesday - Spent most of the morning getting a  medical bill straightened out.  I kept getting billed for my emergency room visit and my insurance paid it over 2 months ago!  After multiple phone calls, my insurance is going to contact the facility and get it handled.  I got to go and visit Thor for a few hours.  I hadn't been over to see that sweet dog for sometime.  He was very happy to have me there.

Wednesday - Josh came home from Seattle and I got the honor of picking him up from the airport.  It was nice to have the drive home to be able to talk to him one on one.

Thursday - Took the day to really get a good cleaning on my kitchen.  Next month is when I totally tear the kitchen apart, polish my granite countertops, clean all the outsides of my cabinets, polish appliances, vacuum all crumbs out of drawers and declutter things that are not used or are of no use to me.  This cleaning was just a precursor of that event.  I went to our weekly Adoration alone as hubby was still in quarantine.

Friday - Grocery shopping alone (hubby still stuck home).  Spent the rest of the day in the kitchen that I had just cleaned.  I made two batches of sourdough crackers, a cucumber salad, a batch of sourdough bar cookies, a loaf of bread in the bread machine and put baby back ribs in the woodfire oven to smoke.  Josie dropped by with the baby yarn and stayed for a little visit.

Saturday - I was so tired from the week of activities but I still helped hubby clean half of the house.  I sanitized the bathrooms really well too.  I also baked the sourdough bar cookies.

They are so yummy.  This will be my contribution to today's family day BBQ.  They have chocolate chips, coconut and cinnamon in them.  So much easier than making individual cookies!

Today -  Hubby is out of quarantine!  We got up early and went to 7am Mass.  Now we are kicking back and watching a bit of golf and NFL football before we head to Jay and Tiffany's for a family day BBQ.

Jaxon news...............her leg is still in healing mode.  The wound vac has been removed and now they are doing wet to dry dressings on it.  It is still too large to do a skin graft so that is being postponed for another few weeks.  It does look like she will be going in to have the 'plastic skin' removed and replaced with new 'plastic skin'.  This will be done under general anesthesia.  Not sure when this is happening but within the next couple of weeks.

Hubby is happy to be out of quarantine.  He was getting a bit of cabin fever.  His cough is only once or twice a day now.  I moved back into our bedroom last night.  It was glorious to be in my bed again.  I was blessed not to catch his germs!

That is all for today.  If you made it this far you need to be rewarded with my chuckle for the week.  I can totally relate to this too.  This should be placed inside the door I exit when going out and about!

Until Next Time.............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 22, 2024



Happy Fall!  This past week gave me a hint of fall.  We had temps below 100F and it was glorious to be out and about.  But, alas, we will be over 100F this coming week and who knows how long that will last.  There have been years when we stayed hot until the middle of October!  I am praying this will not be that year again.

With the temps dropping down I had the itch to cast on something new.  Not to mention, I was getting bored working on the WIP's I already had going.

Say hello to Mehujaa #3.

This is my favorite shawl pattern.  Well, if it is #3 it must be, right?  It is large and light and yet is just enough to keep the chill off when in a building that thinks it needs to feel like Iceland.  It has a 3 row pattern repeat that is fairly simple to memorize.  Yet, if you do not keep track of which pattern row you are on, it will not end well.  And yes, there is a small boo boo on the right side near the top of the shawl.  Someone forgot to do her yarn over!  Since it is near the neck of the shawl, I refused to frog back to that row.

As for the yarn I am using

This has been in my stash for years.  I purchased this when my LYS was going out of business.  It is now a discontinued yarn which makes me sad.  The halo on this is gorgeous and it is so soft.  I realized I needed 3 skeins of this to make this shawl, yet I only had 2.  After scouring the web I found a little yarn shop in California that had a skein of this.  I snatched it up.  I have this yarn in 2 more colorways. A blue/purple and a brown/tan colorway  I did find a third skein in blue purple colorway and grabbed that one too.  I only have one skein of the brown/tan so will use it to make a hat and mitts and possibly a little scarf depending on far the 382 yards (350 m) goes.

Other than the shawl, I have been working on the puzzle quite a bit.

This is my football puzzle.  While hubby watches football, I work on this.  I really want to finish it soon as Hubby bought me 5 more puzzles the other day.  They have more of an 'old fashion' flare to them.  Just the kind I love to do!  

In other news, Jaxon has been released from all healthcare facilities.  She is home for the first time in a month!  Her wound is healing quite well.  The expectation is for a skin graft to happen in the next few weeks.  She has been quite brave through all of this too.  OH!  She got a kitty this week too.  Fluffernutters is a 3 month old male who loves to cuddle.  He is so soft too.  I am sorry I did not take a photo of him when I was over there holding him.  Soon though.

Hubby decided to get this sick this week with Covid!  He was kind of sniffling on Wednesday and we thought it was his allergies.  So Thursday he went and got his allergy injections.  By Thursday evening he was hacking and blowing his nose so much I decided to go ahead and test him.

This was after 3 minutes of the test!  I called his Dr Friday morning and he started Paxlovid right away.  He is already feeling better.  He is still coughing hard at times and still has a runny nose at times.  But, he seems to be healing quite well.  I, on the other hand, have moved into one of our spare bedrooms until he is done coughing like a person with pneumonia!  His Dr wants him quarantined for 10 days!  I thought that had been revised to, until symptoms dissipate.  Oh well.  He still is helping me around the house as much as he can without starting to cough.  But, most of the time he is sitting on the couch watching old western movies.

I am feeling pretty darn good.  Tomorrow I have a cardiologist appointment to go over some test results.  I also need to speak to her about not answering my other specialists requests for procedures to be done.  One of two things is happening.  Either her staff is not getting the messages to her or she is not responding to the requests.  Either way, this is not giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling.  So, tomorrow, I will find out which is the problem.

This morning, I got up and started a loaf of bread in the bread machine.  I have sourdough chocolate cookie dough in the fridge that will be baked today.  They will be going to Jaxon's house.  There will be sourdough crackers made for hubby, today as well.  If I have time and the energy, another batch of sourdough cookies will be mixed up.  Not sure what kind of cookies yet.  But I am sure hubby and I will love them.  I am also in hopes of getting a loaf of sourdough bread ready to be baked tomorrow.  Hubby likes a slice of that with his salads he eats at lunchtime.

Josh is in Seattle at the moment.  He will return on Wednesday.  While he was gone, Stacie rearranged their home so they could move their bedroom downstairs.  He is not stable on the stairs anymore and she has a fear of going to work and him falling down the stairs with no one there to help him.  She did a great job rearranging things too.  There is a full bath on the main floor also, so no need for him go up and down at all anymore.

Here is your chuckle for the week:

Until Next Time....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2024



Yuppers, it's Sunday again and time for my weekly update about my crafting and also my life.  Let's talk crafting first.

I finally dragged my RCR sock out and worked on it!

I put a whole 3 rows on it LOL.  I took this with me to Adoration Thursday evening.  I only had about 20 minutes to work on it after I completed my readings and prayers.  During the week, I really do not have any interest in working on it.  That is sad, isn't it.

I did work a bit on my cross stitch.

I started the next area of the pattern page I am working on.  It was nice to be working with a different color than what the last section was.  Yet, I do believe, looking at the chart, I will be heading back to those color again shortly.

Other than those two items the only thing I worked on was the puzzle and there really isn't much more to see on that...........yet.  I work on it while hubby watches football on Sunday and Monday.

That sums up my crafting.  I am going to cast on a new item this week.  It will be a repeat of one I have done before but with a totally different type of yarn.  I have visions in my head of how wonderful it will be.  Let's hope my vision is not a bad dream. LOL

Life has been about the same.  Jaxon is still in the hospital getting treatments for her necrosis.  The wound is healing well and she may get released the beginning of this week.  The Drs want her to go home and will have in home health come and take care of the wound vac for the parents.  The Dr's feel she will heal better at home and run a smaller risk of infection there.

Josh is still stable and getting ready to head back to Seattle for a little while.  It is his happy place and Stacie likes him to have as much happiness as he can.  He has just completed his last round of chemo.  And by last round, I mean his absolute last round.  They do not have any protocols for anything past this.  Most patients with this type of GBM do not live past this time period!  Well, maybe they should be coming up with something, right?  It seems more and more GBM patients are starting to have a longer survival rate with all the new drugs they have started using when the patient is first diagnosed.  Josh was able to use one of those clinical trial drugs and it seems to have done quite well for him.  The idea of just sitting and waiting to see what happens is not exactly my idea of fun.

As for me...........I ended up back in the ER on Tuesday for my afib.  After 5 hours it finally got under control and I was released to go home with an increase in my medications.  The increase seems to be agreeing with me as my blood pressure is the best it has been in years as is my heart rate!  The day after my ER visit hubby and I went to a baseball game and walked quite a bit.  I had no problem and felt the best I had in years!  Now, I just need to make sure I am doing some cardio everyday to keep things going in the right direction.

Hubby has said, for years, that Enrique is 'my' dog.  And for many years I was the only one he really wanted to be with.  Well, look at this.

This is becoming more of the norm now.  This all started to happen after I spent the night in the hospital in June.  Hubby is not thrilled with this turn of events.  That little dog is like a personal heater!  When it is over 100F outside, there is no need for a heater inside. LOL

Speaking of outside temps.............We will be below 100F starting tomorrow!  I\Our night time temps will be in the high 60's to low 70's! I am so excited.  This means there will be outdoor activities again.

Here is your chuckle for the week.

Until Next Time.....................................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 8, 2024



Every time I use the above photo for my blog post, I can hear Otis Redding singing "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay".  And it will be on repeat for several hours after I finish posting.  Well, if that doesn't scream my age, nothing does LOL.  

So, crafting this week was a bit better than last week.  Take a gander.

To The Point shawl was finished up in the wee hours of Friday morning.  This is number 42.  I have 2 more colors of this yarn (knit picks brava).  If I decide to make more of these shawls, when those colors are used, I will need to acquire more yarn!  Gasp!!!  When I do acquire more, I will return to Caron Simply Soft yarn.  It glides through my fingers smoothly and is much softer than any other acrylic I have used.  It also drapes perfectly for this shawl.  I know many people refuse to use it and call it naughty names.  Yet, for this project, it is 100% perfect.  

I finally got a few hours to work on my cross stitch.  Darn near have this little section completed and then will keep on moving to the next 300 stitch area.  My dream is to spend my spare time today working on this.  

Ah, the puzzle.  I was at a total stand still with this puzzle, last week.  Yet, yesterday, I sat down with it and picked a feature to try and work.  I was able to piece some of the middle section together but now am at a stand still again.  This one is a bit harder than I thought.  It will be pretty when completed though.  If I get bored of my xs, I will work on this.

I still have my Rose City Roller sock on the needles.  It is sitting right next to me giving me a side eyed look.  I think about picking it up and putting some rows on it and then decide not to.  It is more of my 'take along' project when I head up to the hospital to see Jaxon.

Speaking of Jaxon, she is doing remarkably well.  She has had 2 surgeries and should be doing the third one tomorrow.  The first was to debride the area of necrosis, remove the hematoma, place the wound vac and let the healing begin.  Her second one was another minor debridement, reapplying the wound vac, putting in some growth stimulating powder, removing some sutures on other areas of her leg and letting the healing continue.  She is up and walking without much assistance.  The surgeons are happy with what they saw when they cleaned out the wound.  There is good pink tissue and uninjured muscles all around it.  YAY!

They did find a small brain bleed when doing an MRI of her head.  It is quite small and they are not concerned about it at this time.  She is not exhibiting any symptoms other than periodical headaches.  But then, she has always had those, even before the accident.

We still don't know how much longer she will be in the hospital.  She had a good discussion with her main surgeon and expressed the fact she did not want to go home with a wound vac attached to her.  Can't say as I blame her for that.  Even though Josie's mom does wound vacs daily at her work, Jaxon would rather not need to have Aunt Stacie coming by every couple of day to deal with it.

The other medical news is Josh.  He had another MRI this past week.  His radiation necrosis is dissipating YAY!  But, he has a 'glowing spot' that has grown a wee bitt since his MRI a month ago.  They will be keeping an eye on that area to see how fast it grows and whether  or not a biopsy or surgery should be considered.  At this time they are calling him 'stable'.  He is at his 18 month marker since symptoms appeared and one year since his diagnosis.  We are all aware his cancer is terminal.  We also know what the median survival rate is and we take each day with him as a gift.  Don't let a day go by you do not tell your loved ones you love them.  And say the words!  I LOVE YOU!  Hearing those three words each day are the highlight of my day.

I want to thank everyone of you for all the kind words, prayers, positive thoughts and just understanding.  This past year has not been easy but we are managing.  Life is not always pretty, as most of you know.  But, if you try hard enough, you can always find a reason to smile.  And with that being said.............................

How about some humor.............................

Until Next Time.......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2024



Hey guys!  This post will be more personal than crafting.  So, if you don't want to hear about how life here is going, just read the first part of the post and then move right along with your life.

There was not a lot of crafting done this week.  Case in point

I got one row done on my sock.  Pathetic, right?

The shawl saw the most progress.  Yet, it is still not completed.

I finished another color of floss in this little section.  

Got a puzzle started and then I stalled out.

That is all for crafting.  If you do not want to continue, that is fine.  But I need to put down on 'paper' my thoughts and feelings from this past week.  After all, this is my blog and I get to make the rules.


MONDAY - I spent quite a bit of time on the phone calling my secondary insurance company as well as the hospital billing department.  The hospital said I owed them money and yet my insurance company had sent them a check 6 weeks ago.  Since I had the check number and date it was sent, the hospital said they could now find out what happened with the payment.  Amazing!  I did manage to get 2 loads of laundry completed.  Got my sourdough fed and put into a clean jar.  'Dotty' is so active and is making great tasting food items for us.

Tuesday - This was my errand day.  Picked up my meds from the pharmacy, dropped off an Amazon return and then headed out to visit Jaxon in the rehab facility.  I was able to witness her physical therapy.  She has improved so much in just 2 weeks time.  She is walking with the assistance of a 4 prong cane and is able to get in and out of bed and in and out of a chair without assistance.  Great improvement.

Wednesday - Hubby had a Dr appointment and then we went to Sam's club and Costco.  We got a new TV for our living room from Sam's.  Our old one had a large dark spot in the middle of the screen as well as some distortion on the bottom of it.  It is so nice to be able to see the whole picture on the screen now.  And it was half price!  I finally found a new comforter for our bed at Costco.  The current one is pretty well used up with stitching coming out all over.  

Thursday - A fairly quiet day for a change.  I got menus for the week made as well as a grocery list.  Hubby cleaned half of the house while I did that.  I went and viewed a house that Josh and Stacie were interested in.  It was very cute and the remodel on the inside was nice.  The outside needed some work done to make it worth what they are asking for it.  Gosh, houses are so expensive now.  I got a call late asking me to go to the rehab with Tiffany, in the morning.  Seems they took off Jaxon's bandages and things are not looking good.

I was going to post the photo on here but decided y'all may not have the stomach for seeing it.  Therefore I will spare you the visual.

Friday - Went to the rehab by 9am.  Took a look at Jaxon's leg and knew we had issues.  The wound nurse came in and took photos and then left to call the ortho surgeon.  When she came back we were informed, Jaxon was being transferred to the hospital for evaluation and possible admission.  Thirty minutes later, Jaxon was on a transport and Jay, Tiff and myself piled into our cars and went to meet her at the hospital.  Once there, she was seen by an ER Dr and was informed her ortho had asked a trauma wound specialist to come and see her.  The specialist came in and was straight forward with us.  The large wound on her leg had necrosis and was in need of surgery NOW!  She had a CT scan taken of the wound area and determined there was a hematoma under the wound that was causing the necrosis and if not removed would eventually cause sepsis.

Jaxon went into surgery around 10pm and was in recovery about 90 minutes later.  The surgeon was please and was able to totally clean out all the nasty stuff and saw good healthy tissue around the area she cleaned out.  Jaxon' wound area is now the diameter of a cantaloupe.  She has a wound vac attached to it to keep any more nasty stuff from happening.  Jaxon has been up and walking to keep the blood supply active in the area.  The wound that got nasty is where her femur broke through the skin when she was hit by the motorcycle.  The Surgeon also informed us, Jaxon will probably be in the hospital for 2-3 weeks and will require more surgeries in that time as well as dressing changes (under sedation).

This was a long and very emotional day for all of us.  Jaxon has been a trooper through all of this.  Even though she is not happy with what is happening at the moment, she realizes there is not really much of a choice of what needs to be done if she wants to keep her leg or her life.

Saturday - Hubby and I did our early morning food pick up for the food bank.  Hubby had a meeting at church shortly after that.  While he was gone, I got all the laundry caught up.  Jay and Tiff dropped by to pick up a loaf of sourdough I had made for them as well as a couple of books of Jaxon's that got left in my car.  Hubby and I went to Mass in the evening and then enjoyed a good home cooked meal.  By 8:30pm I was so tired I went to bed.

This morning - I slept hard last night and didn't wake up until 6:30am.  I needed that sleep.  Then around 7:30am I got  a text from Jay stating Jaxon's boyfriend, who was the one riding the motorcycle that hit her, had died last night!  

I can not even begin to express my feelings about this.  The fact, this is the first thing Jaxon saw on her phone this morning just rips my heart out.  His mother was the one that let Jaxon know.  How devastated his family must be.  The fact, he was in a medical induced coma since the accident and they never really got to talk to him for the past 2 weeks. How hard it must be to know you won't have that chance again.  Also, there were so many people were watching when this accident happened.  What must be going through their hearts and minds.  

My mind is reeling with all sorts of thoughts.  I was preparing for different news this week.  Josh has another MRI this week to see what is going on with his brain cancer (glioblastoma).  We just hit the one year mark with his diagnosis.  Yes, we do see him having some issues with walking, memory, emotions, strength etc.  All signs of progression of the disease. 

If it were not for my faith, I think I would be curled up in a corner, rocking back and forth and crying.  But, I put my trust in my Lord and Savior.  He is my rock!  Even though I do not like what is happening, I still trust in Him.  He keeps me out of that proverbial corner. 

That is all I have for today.

Until Next Time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!