Hello again! I hope your week went smoothly. Mine was rather pleasant and productive. Here is a recap of my week.
Sunday (after blogging) - I had mentioned, last week, I was going to wash all my sheets. Well, I did. Folding the fitted sheet is my least favorite part of sheet wash day. I also did 2 other loads of laundry as well as making a loaf of bread (via the bread machine) and making potato salad from my mom's recipe. It was so yummy and brought back such sweet memories.
I was going to cast on the next Simnia cardigan but changed my mind and decided to cast on the Quick and Easy Baby Hat. Even though this says quick and easy, it was not this time. First off, I tried to do it magic loop and for some reason, I was getting serious ladders on it. So, I ripped it out and went in search of double points. All I had were bamboo DPNs in the size I needed. Not a fan of the bamboo needles and I seem to have a plethora of them! I went ahead and cast on the hat.
Monday - Pt again for Josh and myself. I worked with a new therapist this time and she was really good and very informative. Once PT was over, I dropped Josh off and got our water jugs (for our water cooler) filled. The laundry I did yesterday finally got folded and put away today.
Tuesday - Hubby taught a class in the morning while I did a few little household chores. Ya know, like empty the dishwasher. We had a lunch date with two of my cousins. We ate at Famous Dave's BBQ. Hubby and I never go there unless it is with a group. The food is so good. Hubby and I both ordered enough so we would have leftovers for dinner. After we got back, Tiffany and Jay and a one of their friends came over for a bit. Seems, the poncho I made Tiffany looked like it was coming apart on the neck and a button had popped off. After looking it over, I saw it was the woven in ends that were popping out and one of the stitches attaching the neck to the body was looser than those around it. When she had first called, I had visions of the whole neck unraveling. What a relief! It is all repaired and ready for her to pick back up.
Wednesday - Another lovely day of Physical Therapy. I was back to my original therapist today. Josh did not make it all the way through with his therapy. He was not feeling his best so he sat and waited for me to finish. Our daughter, Jenn, came by and took Hubby and myself to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant. It was nice to get to spend some time with her. But the best part of the day was....................................
I finished the baby hat! And, yes, I immediately cast on the Simnia baby cardigan.
Thursday - I actually had a fairly quiet day. Menus for the coming week were made as well a grocery list of needed items for the coming week. Then I gathered my air fryers and scrubbed them up. I used to hate cleaning them, but with the Dawn Power Wash, they clean up pretty easily. Hubby and I had Adoration this evening and I took my RCR sock to work on it during that hour.
WOOHOO! Another 7 rows added. At this rate, I should have one sock done by Easter LOL! Actually, once, the baby stuff is done, this and my other WIP will be my main focus.....I hope.
Friday - grocery shopping day! I only had about 4 items on my list but by the time we checked out I had a cart full. This was the best deal of the day..............
Hubby and I are not vegetarians by any means! These steaks are normally $14.99/lb but were on sale for $5.97/lb. One steak will feed the both of us quite nicely. I froze one of them and the other is marinating in my fridge for tomorrow nights dinner. I try and limit our red meat consumption to once a week. Neither of us have cholesterol problems and we don't want them either. I also try to do one meatless meal a week. Variety is the name of the game in my house.
Before we hit the grocery store, hubby and I visited my LYS. (local yarn store) Those bamboo needles were not doing me any favors. I completed my DPN selection! I went with the Chiagoo stainless steel needles.
I normally use Signature Needles. Both circular and DPN. But they decided to close their business last year. And me, not being smart enough to look and see what was missing from my stock, missed out on getting the needles I was lacking when they discounted them. Hopefully, I will enjoy the Chiagoo needles. I was good at the LYS. The needles were the only thing I purchased. I didn't even look at yarn! Hubby was quite impressed.
Saturday - Woke up super early (5:30) to go and pick up the food for our food bank. It was a sad amount this week. Only 2 little bags of carrots and a few things from the deli. Each week we have been getting less and less from the store we go to. Yet, the need is getting greater and greater for the food bank.
There was a marathon being run in our town this day so getting to and from the store was a challenge since we live smack dab in the middle of the marathon route. Luckily, it was over by the time we left to go to Mass in the afternoon.
I did do another load of laundry and made another loaf of bread today too. The little baby sweater saw lots of love also. Maybe not the kind most people imagine. I had worked 9 rows of the skirt of the sweater when I noticed one of the bobbles had dropped. That is a five stitch bobble that dropped all the way to the beginning of the skirt! No way could I pick that up and weave it all the way up 8 more rows. So, I got to frog and re-knit those 9 rows.
As of this morning (Sunday), that is where I left off on the sweater.
I plan on working on this most of the day. Not sure if I will finish it or not, but I will do my best.
Today - It is Superbowl Sunday here in the US. We choose not to do a gathering today for the game. Each of our son's has a team in the Superbowl and they are not the same team. LOL So, hubby and I decided it might be best if we all stayed at our respective homes to watch the game. I am sure there will be a lot of texts flying back and forth though.
We decided to make life very easy on us today too. I will be smoking up some wings and chicken thighs. Hubby has pizza on order from our local family owned Italian restaurant. That should keep up fed and happy for the day. This will give me plenty of time to knit and finish up laundry. I might even sneak in some reading time too.
Speaking of reading.............I started the Carly Moore mystery series a few weeks ago. The author is Denise Grover Swank. It is very good! I have made it through book 4 and just started book 5. I was able to get them for free through my Libby App. The last two in the series will need to be purchased through kindle. Such a good mystery series.
Yes, I have a little chuckle for you for this week. If you have ever had a dog, I am sure you can relate.
Until Next Time..............Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!